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JW Consulting Enterprise, located in the Los Angeles area of United States, is committed to providing advanced IVF technology and professional third-party reproductive services to help intended parents from China and U.S. realizing their baby dream.

Our team includes over 20 years of experience as board certified in both OB/GYN and in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, 18 years of laboratory experience as an embryologist, highly trained surrogacy specialist and legal advisors.

According to the situation of intended parents, we provide specific solutions through professional data analysis, docking the resources of the IVF centers with the highest success rate, and fully using our abundant surrogates and donors resources.

Intended parents can enjoy one-stop high-end VIP services. From the initial consultation, arrange IVF specialists to conduct remote consultations, formulate treatment trips to the United States, arrange docking of the entire treatment process, obtain all legal documents after babies birth, professional enthusiastic JW staff will take care of you throughout to the entire journey of your parenthood.

煜博美宝之家(JW Consulting Enterprise),总部坐落于美国洛杉矶地区,业务范围覆盖中国和美国。致力于提供先进的试管婴儿技术和专业的第三方辅助生殖服务,帮助来自全世界的准父母实现宝宝梦。



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